Institut Franco-Argentin d’Études sur le Climat et ses Impacts

Instituto Franco-Argentino de Estudios sobre el Clima y sus Impactos

Camila Prudente, nominee to IRD’s Trophées de l’innovation

Camila is a PhD student at IFAECI. She is working on a hydroclimatic early warning system in Bermejo, Argentina. The project, “BerSATil”, aims to prevent hydroclimatic threats using an innovative technology that considers the knowledge of local players involved in family farming in Bermejo, in the province of Chaco, Argentina.

This project focuses on the co-production of hydroclimatic knowledge. It combines official monitoring and forecasting data with community data on rainfall and rivers. Thanks to this comprehensive data collection, Camila Prudente is implementing an innovative technology — an early warning system — that will help reduce the impact of climate threats on local food production.

See more about this year´s competition at

About the Trophées de l’innovation

In March 2024, IRD launched the second edition of the Trophées de l’innovation which closed on April 14. The competition honors doctoral students and young researchers leading innovative projects with a significant impact in Southern countries and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The projects cover any research theme addressing societal challenges supported by the IRD, engage in an interdisciplinary approach, involve socio-economic partners, and provide real added value compared to existing solutions. The three regions covered are Latin America and the Caribbean; Africa; and Asia and the Pacific. You will find more information about the award at

This year, the three young scientists (one from each region) will receive recognition during the “SCIENCE 4 ACTION” Forum on October 7, at the Palais du Pharo in Marseille, as part of the celebrations marking the 80th anniversary of the IRD.