Institut Franco-Argentin d’Études sur le Climat et ses Impacts

Instituto Franco-Argentino de Estudios sobre el Clima y sus Impactos

Open course on Climate change and the deep ocean

In the framework of the visit of Dr. Lisa Levin (Scripps Institution of Oceanography – UCSD, USA) for a Fullbright exchange programme, several activities were organised at the Cero+Infinito Pavilion of the FCEN-UBA with the coordination and active participation of researchers from the CIMA-DCAO-IFAECI community. 

Between 19 and 21 August, Dr. Levin taught the open course ‘Climate Change and the Deep Ocean’. 

In addition, a Workshop for Experts on ‘Climate Change, Conservation and Sustainability in the Deep Ocean’ was held on 22 and 23 August, in which researchers from different sectors and institutions of Argentina discussed scientific aspects and perspectives on managing the deep sea in the country. Participants were honoured with the visit of Dr. Claudia Capurro, Vice-President of Scientific Affairs of CONICET. CIMA-IFAECI researchers Federico Ibarbalz and Juan Cruz Carabajal were part of the Organising Committee of both events.